MediaHols: cheaper holiday rentals, with no commission and more security. Way better value, much more reliable
Your owner account ⟩ Your contact details

Your owner account

Check out the exclusive benefits of MediaHols

E-voucher code

Do you have a promo code?
Enter your promotional code : Check your code

Your personal details

Choose your user name and password

User name
Between 5 and 10 alphanumeric characters
The user name cannot be used for another owner account.

Between 5 and 25 numeric and alphabetic characters

NB: Your password and username must be different

Confirm your password

Re-enter your password

Enter your personal details

Enter your first name and surname as they appear on your identity papers. Incorrect or incomplete information will lead to malfunctions.
Please enter correct information; this field cannot be changed.
First name
Enter your first name and surname as they appear on your identity papers. Incorrect or incomplete information will lead to malfunctions.
Please enter correct information; this field cannot be changed.

Your email address

Your email address is never published or passed on to third parties.

E-mail address

Your address

We need your home address, not your rental address.

Number and street Address line 2
Post code
City  : 

Your phone number

Mobile phone (mandatory)

Please indicate your national phone number
Choose the country where your phone number is based
Check the numbers below:
  • National call (from ):
  • International call (from a country other than ): +

Landline (recommended)

Please indicate your national phone number
Choose the country where your phone number is based
Check the numbers below:
  • National call (from ):
  • International call (from a country other than ): +

Languages spoken

Native language
Languages accepted for communication with guests


Company name
Number and street Address line 2
Post code
Missing or incorrect tax ID reference
Does the company have an EU VAT number?
EC VAT number


To protect your MediaHols account, please choose a secret question and write an answer that you will remember easily.

Your security question
Your answer

Page last updated on: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 10:20:54 +0200